Project Reef:

How can surfing be sustainable?

What does it take to survive a rip current? How can surf areas like Nosara Beach save more surfers? How do you decide who to save first in a rescue situation? Who pays for reef preservation and restoration?

These are among the many driving questions that students tackle as part of the cross-discipline project during Surf Term known as “Project Reef”.

Project Reef Costa Rica Surfing Sustainability

What does Project Reef look like for Surf Term Students?

Project Reef starts with a kick-off at Nosara Beach to meet local experts and Surf Term Staff as students are asked “What is the greatest risk to preserving great surf spots?” 

Then, Surf Term’s 6th-8th graders spend the rest of the morning seeing first-hand tide conditions and how different swells are shaped across different areas of the beach - understanding which breaks are popular by surfers and why. 

How to Make Surfing More Sustainable in Costa Rica?

For the next two weeks, students will explore how surfing can be more sustainable before presenting to local authorities a plan to help Nosara Beach residents enjoy the beaches for generations to come.

Surf Term Project Reef

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Project Reef or Surf Term?